1 min readJan 23, 2021


The United States: The Coming Retirement Crisis

By Hira Dangol, Isaac J. Faber, Travis Trammell

Today vs The next 2032 and 2060 Year Analysis

The United States is facing a significant crisis with its current retirement policy. Those planning for retirement are counting on the long-held belief that social security will be available and reliable during their twilight years. The problem with this belief is that the trust fund, the social security budget, is going to be exhausted within the next twenty-five years. As the population ages, birth and immigration rates fall there will be fewer working-class paying tax and a larger retired class drawing out of the trust fund. This paper will explore this problem in-depth as a dynamic system and give some interpretation of current policy and trends, as well as suggestions on how to improving the nation’s circumstances. There will be a focus on understanding the dynamics between the working(maker) population and the retired (taker) population.






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